Repairing an OG Xbox Duke controller
Fixing the Duke today. This chonkieboi has suffered from having its lead wrapped around over the years.
We’re in.
Back side. Need to decide how to go about fixing this. Splice the cable or try to remove those pins from that connector
Also need to remove this and put it back on the cable.
Some gentle heat and it’s off.
And back on the fresh section of cable. A combination of heat and iso to act as a temporary lube.
That white connector is soldered to the board and the pins don’t seem to want to move. I think they are soldered together when the connector is fitted. So I’m going to splice.
Ends tinned.
Spliced. Leaving the ground for now as its much shorter.
Heat shrunk. The yellow wire has some damage from my helping hand clamps. I’ll sort that before I button it up.
All the wires packed into a larger section of heat shrink. Plus an extra piece of very strong duct tape around the bare ground shield. Wishing I’d put an extra piece of heat shrink on for that, never mind!
This is the strain relief. It needs to clip together or it doesn’t work.
And it’s back together. Looking much better!
Better test it now
Perfect! Very happy to bring this old, but still brilliant, controller back to life 😁