I can say that here as this is my website and I can do whatever the hell I like see if I don’t!
I can say that here as this is my website and I can do whatever the hell I like see if I don’t!
Diving into THREE Sega Game Gears. All broken in some way and in need of care. There are also Fishmen and Hippies making an appearance. So that’s good!
My first bad capacitor ZX Spectrum 48k repair! It’s great!
I keep forgetting to put these up here, so the best thing to do if you are looking for my videos is to go to the Youtube link above.
But here is the second of a new shorter format!
My first C64 repair captured in all its innocent glory.
Part 4 of the Speccy From Hell series.
Here are some recent episodes I forgot to include here.
I was invited to take part in a collaboration with other YouTubers with the subject being “what is your cool machine?”
Here is the playlist!